Thursday, January 22, 2009

Santa Margarita River Trail Hike

These footprint-sized bowl depressions, called morteros, carved by native tribes to grind grain.

After seeing these I knew rock art couldn't be too far away. Grinding stones meant a village was once there. I was winding along the trail when this large split rock caught my eye. Rock art is often painted on a split of a boulder because it was belived it was a path to the spirit world. After running and calling my hiking club to check it out, several expereinced rock art admirers sadly told me this is recent art. Wahhhh! I thougt it was cool, so I included it here. The picture of me is for scale. I'm 5'10"

Check out the lizard in the crack!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Hospital Rock Pictograph at Sequoia National Park

These are pictographs from Hospital Rock in Sequoia National Park, Califonia. It is east to get to from the main road and only a stone stair step up to this magnificent panel! You can see the zig zag and rattlesnake motifs, though to be a spirit helper. By the way, that's a really bad picture of me but I though it was cute I'm holding my favorite rock art book.

Petroglyph lampshade!

I saw this at a store in the Atlanta, Georgia Airport. I thought it was very cool but the store maanger had no idea where to get one! You could make one with a plain exacto blade and a dark, smooth lampshade.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Pictoglyph Art Project

This is an art project I did of pictoglyphs. I used linoleum and with the reduction method carved out 5 layers. I liked how it came out.